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Grace Reasor was the youngest daughter of Andrew Reasor and a teacher.



Map of Reasor Hollow on the border of Chemung & Steuben Counties


Picture of the Reasor School, taken about 1954 (that's Mom)


The Reasor Schools were located in Denison, Texas.


The Reasor's lived on Reasor Road and were dairymen.  The brothers, John Comstock, Edgar Drake and George Byron owned a store in Denison call the Reasor Grocery & Feed (or something like that) that was located (I think) on Main Street.  John Comstock built the Reasor School and it was one of the first free public schools.
I saw the old school once in 1965 and by then I believe it had been converted into a home.  I do not know if it is still standing.  I understand that the school district was named "Reasor School District" and there were actually two more schools built after the original.  I believe the second school became the Riverside School and was located where the Denison Dam spillway is now and that the third school lasted only two years.  There was a replica of the Reasor School featured at the 1936 Centennial in Dallas.  I have a map and it shows that it was located on Randall Road between the Texoma Parkway and Juanita Drive.  I believe that Reasor Road was renamed (could be Randall Road) but don't know when this happened or why.